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Search: Macrocystis

We found the following searching for "Macrocystis"


It’s Time to Shop with Your Values

It’s Time to Shop with Your Values

What does it mean to shop with your values? For far too long, we have been bargain shoppers, ready to jump at anything that looks good instead of looking into the impact these bargain products might have on our health, our environment and the economy. With millions of dollars invested in marketing, any product can…

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What is the Best Seaweed to Use for Skincare?

What is the Best Seaweed to Use for Skincare?

Seaweed is universally amazing for anything health! Eating seaweed has been proven to be one of the best dietary sources of iodine, which helps support your thyroid gland. Although, it also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins D and K, zinc, iron and many other minerals, along with antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. But that's just eating it! Your skin absorbs…

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5 Things that make Seaweed Great for Earth Day

5 Things that make Seaweed Great for Earth Day

Seaweed is the fastest-growing living organism on planet Earth. At Seaflora, we use a lot of Macrocystis, or Giant Kelp, which can grow up to 2 feet a day (61cm). This seaweed can reach over 45 meters long during its peak growing season! Many seaweeds grow at very fast rates when compared with other living…

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Peptides – Everything you Need to Know

Peptides – Everything you Need to Know

We hear this term in skincare a lot! But what actually is a peptide? Why do you need them, and how can you benefit from having them in your skincare? In this blog, we'll answer all your questions about these tiny molecules and more. What is a Peptide? Peptides are amino acids. They are similar…

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Everything You Need to Know About Vitamins, Minerals and Seaweed!

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamins, Minerals and Seaweed!

I don't know about you, but I find that navigating through the vitamin aisle at the grocery store or pharmacy can be super confusing. From multivitamins to mineral supplements and fish oils, figuring out which products your body needs can be challenging. So, in this blog, we'll scratch the surface on the topic of vitamins,…

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Skin Problems? Unlock the Power of Seaweed For Your Skin Concerns

Skin Problems? Unlock the Power of Seaweed For Your Skin Concerns

Seaweed is transforming skincare with its natural potency against a multitude of skin concerns. This unassuming marine plant is a treasure trove of nutrients, offering hydration, anti-inflammatory benefits, and anti-aging properties. In the following sections, we reveal that the key to unlocking better skin health could be seaweed as a natural solution to skin concerns.…

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Embracing Skin Minimalism With The Ultimate Multi-Purpose Products

Embracing Skin Minimalism With The Ultimate Multi-Purpose Products

Skin minimalism is streamlining your skincare to the bare essentials — but what does that really mean for your skin? This trend champions the use of fewer, effective products, ultimately cutting through the clutter of a complicated skincare regimen. In this guide, you’ll find out how skin minimalism can improve your skin’s health, save you…

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Unlock the Hidden Benefits of Iodine-Rich Seaweed for Radiant Skin

Unlock the Hidden Benefits of Iodine-Rich Seaweed for Radiant Skin

Looking for iodine sources in your diet? This article cuts through the complexity and spotlights five types of seaweed with remarkable iodine content. Discover their unique flavours and health benefits as we delve into why these marine vegetables could be key to your nutritional needs and how to enjoy them even if you don't enjoy…

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